By Abiodun OBA


President Bola Tinubu has called for the transformation of the Nigerian Defence Academy (NDA) into ‘Nigeria’s Silicon Valley,’ a hub for startups where ideas are not only incubated but also actualized.

Tinubu gave the charge while speaking at an event to mark NDA’s Diamond Jubilee in Kaduna on Saturday.

Tinubu who lauded the academy for its role in the unification of the country post-civil war, also highlighted the upgrade of the NDA from a non-degree-awarding institution to a full-fledged degree-awarding university in 1985, thereby phasing out the Nigerian Defence Academy Certificate of Education hitherto awarded to cadets.

In his speech, the President said, “The government is also pleased to note that the curriculum approved by the National Universities Commission, the regulatory body, is sufficiently robust and broad-based to enable the cadets to acquire the knowledge, skills, values, character, and discipline required for effective and efficient service in the Nigerian Armed Forces in peacetime and in times of crisis.

“I understand that other giants’ strides recorded in the NDA include the establishment of post-graduate programs, the creation of research centres and centres of excellence to facilitate research and enable cross-fertilization of ideas.

“The consistent academic calendar devoid of industrial disputes and strikes should make the NDA postgraduate school an institution of first choice not only for Nigerian students but also for students across the globe. I, therefore, charge the academic staff, both military and non-military, to transform the NDA into ‘Nigeria’s Silicon Valley,’ a hub for startups where ideas are not only incubated but also actualized.”

The President while also affirming the Nigerian military’s capacity to put an end to the rampant banditry, insurgency, and criminality affecting the country, charged the armed forces to continue to protect Nigeria’s territorial integrity against all threats.

He assured the military of his administration’s unwavering commitment to their welfare and pledged steadfast support in carrying out their duties.

Tinubu charged the military not to relent in its efforts to safeguard the country and added that the ‘war against the enemies of Nigeria is not over.’

“Let me also add that although the war against the enemies of Nigeria is not over, it is fair to state that relative peace has been recorded across the major flash points. These successes have come at a price for the government and the populace. We remember our fallen heroes and those out in the trenches for the sake of our fatherland. Let us also celebrate their resilience and sacrifice at this diamond jubilee.

“I urge you to continue to play your constitutional role of safeguarding the territorial integrity of Nigeria, our fatherland. You must shun any acts that are inimical to the well-being of our nation and acts that can destroy the gains of democracy that we have enjoyed in the last 20 years.

“The government is fully aware of the service and sacrifices that members of the Nigerian Armed Forces have continued to render across the length and breadth of this country, especially in the face of daunting challenges. We, as a government, will continue to accord priority to the needs of the armed forces to enable the military to play its constitutional role without let or hindrance.

“Let me reiterate the urgency to upscale the fight against insecurity, which has robbed us of peace and progress. While the relative peace you have been able to secure is worth celebrating, you must remember that the war is not yet over until every parcel of land held by the enemy is flying the flag of the Federal Republic of Nigeria,” the President said.

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