Following the alleged murder of Tosin Osatuyi, a final year student of Yaba College of Technology, Lagos in a fight while celebrating his final examinations, students of the institution have demanded full scale investigation of the killing.
The colleagues of the deceased, who gathered for a candlelight procession in his memory in the institution said he was gruesomely murdered.
Two of his friends said the incident, which occurred on July 28, was an act of intended murder, which must be investigated.
According to one of them who spoke on condition of anonymity: “On the day after our examinations, he signed on my shirt because we had been friends since our National Diploma (ND) days. After signing, he left with other students to a spot that houses a betting centre, called The Lions’ Den in Yaba.
“It was not long when the news came that he had been murdered. Either by error or not, the action seemed intended and I really don’t know if he and other friends were drunk on that day.”
Commenting on the development, the deputy registrar of the institution, Mr. Joe Ejiofor, explained that the fight, which broke out among Osatuyi and his peers, occurred outside the college premises, having concluded their examination and left the vicinity.